Helmut Janatsch-搜索结果

  • 逃兵 Le Caporal épinglé

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:让·雷诺阿   编剧:雅各·佩雷特, 让·雷诺阿, Guy Lefranc, 夏尔·斯巴克

    主演:François Darbon, 科奈莉亚·弗洛波伊斯, Elisabeth Marcus, Elisabeth Stiepl, Helmut Janatsch, 马里奥·达维德, 让·卡尔梅, 赫伯特

      An upper-class corporal from Paris is captured by the Germans when they invade France in 1940. Assisted and accompanied by characters as diverse as a morose dairy farmer, a waiter, a myopic intellectual, a working-class Parisian, and a German dental assistant, the corporal tries to escape from prison camps, sometimes making it a few yards, sometimes reaching the French border.